Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Spanking the Monkey

Recently an opportunity came across my plate to act as a meeting coordinator for an event taking place in Denver. This isn’t what I normally do, but since the day rate was semi-decent and I had nothing else going that day I decided what the heck. Wait a few days and receive the information packet/meeting materials that were sent to me. And the topic of the meeting is….. Porno! That’s right, porno porno porno. Actually it’s Pornography: Strategies for Helping Client’s Manage & Overcome the Addiction and it’s offered to Psychologists and other counselors in need of continuing education credits. And by continuing education I mean freaky Internet porn.

So today’s the big day, and as I type I’m sitting outside the Porno meeting room. All morning I’ve been expecting to hear a driving bass line and all sorts of shrieks of delight emanating from the room, but so far nothing (ball gags must be working – not that I know what a ball gag is of course, but I saw them on Pulp Fiction). The meeting is not a complete disappointment however – when I stepped inside the room a few minutes ago to see how things were going the first thing that I heard was “giant raging hard-on”. Naturally I started giggling (to myself - I am a professional after all). So basically the meeting is amusing, but sedate. I think it might need something to liven it up a bit (within reason of course). My thought is to have the hotel roll a trundle bed into the front of the room and leave it up by the presenter’s area. Nothing would be said or done – no overt porno references. Just a nice visual aid. What do you think?


Hedda said...

I can think of some super-effective T-shirts to sell at this event next year. I'll get back to you with the details on that.

Hedda said...

BTW- Spanking The Monkey is a movie that I've seen. And it sucks. Tanya can attest to that.