Tuesday, November 20, 2007

We'll always have SuperCuts...

Calamity. I mean really terrible, horrendous news. I just found out that the girl who cuts my hair no longer works in Boulder. The girl who pulls my hair. The cute, punky girl who flirts with me. The girl who pulls my hair. The girl who runs her fingers through my hair telling me how much she likes it, and then pulls my hair. I mean if that isn’t true love then I don’t know what is. And now she’s gone, out of my life forever. Rumor has it she’s plying her trade in one of the neighboring “L” towns, but it might as well be Siberia.


Emily DeWan Photography said...

I'm sure you can find other cute, flirtatious girls who will pull your hair, then you can go to SuperCuts and save money. Look at that - win-win.

Angela said...

Mmm, there's nothing quite like someone pulling your hair in just the right way. I do hope you find another hair puller, at the salon or otherwise...

Anonymous said...

Good luck finding her. There is no way the salon will give out her new place of employment. How about a listing on Craigslist?

rjz said...

If you find her, make sure I know where she is...after all, that's a lot closer to me...siberia.

Angela said...

You need to blog. Now.

Hedda said...

That is the saddest story I've ever heard! I will think happy thought for your hair while I get mine cut tomorrow.